Your employer will inform you about the safe and agreed-upon methods in which you are expected to work. This information may be shared with you as part of a policy or conveyed in person by your manager or another colleague. The agreed-upon ways of working with each individual will be outlined in care plans. These plans ensure that you are operating within the law and providing care and support that aligns with the individual’s needs. If you fail to adhere to the agreed-upon ways of working, you may inadvertently cause harm to yourself or others. You are accountable for your own work and may face disciplinary procedures if harm occurs as a result of your actions. This could potentially lead to dismissal or legal action.
You have responsibilities towards the individuals for whom you provide care and support. You must ensure that:
Their safety and well-being are safeguarded by following and executing their care plan in agreed, secure methods.
The care they receive is tailored to their needs, involving them, their carer, or support network in planning, reviewing, and delivering their care.
They are treated fairly, and their rights are upheld by working in ways that promote equality, diversity, and maintain their dignity and human rights.